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Girl Painting in Art Class


For your convenience, our most common parent questions are answered right here.
-Do you accept children who are not potty trained?
Yes we accept children who are not potty trained yet, if they are in the process.
- Do you provide transportation?
No our program don't provide transportation.
- Do you provide meals and snacks?
No our program do not provide meals and snacks.
 -What are your operating hours?
From Monday-Friday 7:00-5:30pm.
-Is your French program everyday?
No our French program is only on Monday and Friday.30 Minutes in the morning and 30 Minutes in the afternoon for both days.
-Is your program a play-based?
yes our program is a play -based using Flight curriculum:Alberta's Early learning and childcare framework.we also incorporate an academic program and French immersion.
-Are there options for before-or after-school care?
yes we do have options for before and after care, but this options is only for those already in the program.



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